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Topic 4 Wed May 15, 1991
MACINFO [Norm Goodger] at 18:39 EDT
Sub: Hints & Tips
Dusting off the new Category a little, lets discuss hints and tips that might
be buried in the docs that everyone might find handy..
96 message(s) total.
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 1 Sun Jul 07, 1991
J.SCOTT16 [J. Scott] at 04:09 EDT
Does anybody get the feeling that Apple will be VERY reluctant to release a
system 7.1? They were so late in getting it out that the last thing they need
is for a bunch of bugs to crop up. So far, thank goodness, they don't need
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 2 Sun Jul 07, 1991
DREID [Uncle Dave] at 12:40 EDT
Except to correct the horrible slowness of imagewriter printing and the
floppy disk mount and remount problem. I worked around the Imagewriter problem
by installing a PLPII printer. Much faster and better. The old imagewriter is
now a permanent adjunct to Thunderscan.
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 3 Sun Jul 07, 1991
From what I've read and heard, the next release of 7.0 will be with the
notebook computers to be announced/released in October.
..... Bart
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 4 Sun Jul 07, 1991
J.SCOTT16 [J. Scott] at 23:48 EDT
Somebody said something about an upgrade from SuperSpool to SuperLaserSpool
but I just got off the phone with Fifth Generation Systems, and they said that
they would be upgrading SuperSpool so that it works with 7.0.
...And I was hoping to get a discount copy of SLS for my Deskwriter :(
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 5 Mon Jul 08, 1991
Thanks for the response. This debate will rage for some time!!
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 6 Mon Jul 08, 1991
G.MATSUDA [Gann] at 03:18 EDT
I certainly hope Apple will speed up ImageWriter printing at least to what is
was under System 6.0.x!
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 7 Tue Jul 09, 1991
DREID [Uncle Dave] at 20:43 EDT
I noticed a recent upload showing how to modify old bitmapped fonts so that
they have a FOND resource. The method given probably works but...
There seems to be some confusion about Font/DA mover and Sys 7.0. It is
possible to move fonts to System 7.0 with Font/DA mover PROVIDING it is v 4.1
or higher (Don't think theres a higher yet.). Use it in the same old way for
fonts. It doesn't work for DAs but that's no problem. Anyway, back to the old
font problem. Open Font/DA mover 4.1 and copy the old fonts to the System file
and they will magically now have FOND resources. 4.1 won't move fonts out of
an open system folder but they can be moved in the System 7.0 way back into
their old suitcases. It seems to me to be easier than with the ResEdit thing.
I kinda enjoy the ResEdit thing, but only as a last resort.
The Font DA Mover 4.1 is in the library as 20178.
Uncle Dave - lazy in NC
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 8 Wed Jul 10, 1991
J.RATLIFF1 [Jim] at 04:37 EDT
Everything was going fine until I decided to move some of the desk accessories
in my Apple Menu Items folder into a suitcase and let Suitcase II 1.2.10 open
the suitcase. (Why did I do this? There's a limit of about 50 items in the
Apple Menu Items folder which can be displayed in the Apple Menu. You can get
around this limit by having Suitcase open a suitcase instead.)
Then when I tried to open some (but not every) of those Suitcase-opened desk
accessories, all I got was a beep. One curious fact about the ones that didn't
work and the ones that did: the ones that didn't work (e.g. miniWriter) all
show up with hierarchical menus under Now menus. The ones that did work do not
show up with hierarchical menus. (Note: I turned off all other extensions
including Now menus and the problem persisted.)
Don, or anyone else who's using Suitcase with desk accessories, what am I
missing? (Gann, note that I correctly identified Don this time. Your memory
burn-in is being repaired!)
Even curiouser... While I was playing around with Suitcase, I set the
PowerUser setting to have it modify the boot blocks to allow 20 suitcases
instead of the 12 it had been set to. Then whenever I would use a menu/DA
QuicKey (made with the new version 2.1), it would pick an Apple menu item
which was shifted one off alphabetically from the one I wanted! (This problem
seems familiar but I don't remember the circumstances!) I fixed this problem
by having Suitcase put itself in the Apple menu in alphabetical order rather
than sorted to the top.
Was it a mistake to modify the boot blocks? Has this feature really been
tested under System 7? This strange QuicKey problem only started after I
modified the boot blocks. Is there any way I can rewrite untouched System 7
boot blocks without reinstalling the System?
Do any of my experiences resonate with anyone out there?
P.S. Now I remember when I have I seen this problem. In a 5/18/91 message in
topic 8 I responded to Gann, who said that Suitcase II seems to perform better
if placed at the root level of the System folder rather than in the Extensions
folder. I reported that when I moved Suitcase out to the root level that I
observed that my QuicKeys macros (using version 1.2 at that time) were again
one off. The puzzling thing is that in the earlier case, Suitcase was sorted
to the top in both cases; its location in the System folder seemed to make the
difference. Now, it's Suitcase's position in the menu which seems to make the
difference. And my new problem only occurred after using Suitcase to
problematically load DA suitcases and modifying the boot blocks. I'm even more
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 9 Wed Jul 10, 1991
J.RATLIFF1 [Jim] at 05:00 EDT
Well, I reset the boot blocks (I guess) by hiding my Finder so that it looked
like I didn't have a System folder, then installing a minimal system, which I
Anyway, the max number of Suitcases returned to 12, but my problem remained:
QuicKeys menu/DA macros chose the wrong Apple menu item if Suitcase is sorted
to the top of the Apple menu. Everything works fine if Suitcase is sorted
Puzzled in Oakland...
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 10 Wed Jul 10, 1991
DON.PEASLEE [Don] at 11:01 EDT
Jim, I'm not using Now Menus, and I too have found problems when modifying the
boot blocks under 7. Other than that, I'm not going to be much help here,
because I can't duplicate your problem(s) with Suitcase. Since you're getting
hierarchical menus even though Now Menus is shut off with the DAs that don't
work, it sounds as if Now Menus might have done something?
P.S. I have Suitcase II in the Extensions Folder loading after the Extensions
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 11 Wed Jul 10, 1991
J.RATLIFF1 [Jim] at 22:09 EDT
Thanks for your reply. Just to clarify... I don't still get hierarchical menus
when Now Menus is disabled. Rather, using Now Menus allowed me to
serendipitously observe a common thread between the desk accessories I could
call up and the ones that I could not: The ones which didn't work were exactly
the ones which appeared with hierarchical menus when Now Menus was in use.
One difference between loading desk accessories with Suitcase and putting them
into the Apple Menu Items folder: The small icon in the Apple Menu is just the
generic application icon when Suitcase loads them and it's the customized icon
when they reside in the Apple Menu Items folder.
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 12 Thu Jul 11, 1991
LINEFEED [Lou] at 00:54 EDT
You guys are using NOW Menus under 7.0? When I treid it, it popped up the
menu bar no matter where I clicked on the screen...
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 13 Thu Jul 11, 1991
PHOTOBASE [Sparks] at 01:26 EDT
Ok, I have been lurking for a while now, but this morning I made the big plung
into the kingdom of 7.0.
Simple question, where do fonts go. I have them in a folder called Fonts in
the extension folder. I had to use Suitcase to make them available to the
More complex question. On boot up after most CDEV's and stuff load I get a
beep and a dialog box saying, " Disk Error on Opening Dictionaries Error
number -43". I think its part of my Pagemaker 4.01 set up. Any ideas?
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 14 Thu Jul 11, 1991
G.MATSUDA [Gann] at 03:31 EDT
I've got Suitcase 1.2.10 back in the Extensions folder....works fine...for
How *DARE* you confuse me with Don! :-)
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 15 Thu Jul 11, 1991
DREID [Uncle Dave] at 03:53 EDT
Fonts go folderless in the Extensions folder. It's messy but that's the way it
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 16 Thu Jul 11, 1991
MACINFO [Norm Goodger] at 04:01 EDT
Sparks if you are using Suitcase, you can use them anywhere. If you open the
suitcase by double-clicking and move the contents to the System Folder Icon
they will be moved into the System file. If you drag them to the System file
itself, again they will be installed in the System file. If you double-click
the System file you can install or remove fonts or sounds.
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 17 Thu Jul 11, 1991
DON.PEASLEE [Don] at 13:19 EDT
Due to the large size of this Topic, earlier messages have been archived and
are now available in Library 10 of the Software Libraries (P 605, Option 3).
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 18 Thu Jul 11, 1991
Sparks, by chance do you have to indicate the path for the dictionaries you're
using? This sounds awfully close to the message I got when I first loaded
Thunder 7 under 7.0. I had to go into Thunder and reload all the Thunder 7
dictionary files so it would know where I have them within my system folder.
..... Bart
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 19 Thu Jul 11, 1991
J.RATLIFF1 [Jim] at 21:34 EDT
It sounds like you might have "Popup menu bar on desktop" checked in the
configure dialog accessed via the control panel for NowMenus.
Some of my earlier QuicKeys problems were caused by the fact that somehow I
have both versions 1.2 and 2.1 installed! That must have confused my poor Mac
even more than it confused me!
I still have a Suitcase problem with DAs. I had all of my DAs in a suitcase
and I could not open miniWriter. When I moved it to its own suitcase, it
worked fine.
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 20 Thu Jul 11, 1991
D-W-B [David B] at 22:23 EDT
You have no idea how relieved to hear that I wasn't the only poor schmuck with
both versions of QuicKeys installed. Your Mac may have been confused, but _I_
was ready to tear my hair out!
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 21 Thu Jul 11, 1991
LINEFEED [Lou] at 23:08 EDT
Yes, but the popup menu isn't suppodes to pop up when you click on an icon
or in a window... Only if you cli ck outside...
Under System 7.0 it pops up when you click ANYWHERE...
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 22 Fri Jul 12, 1991
PHOTOBASE [Sparks] at 02:22 EDT
Bart, you hit the nail right on the head. I noticed today that Thunder was
turned off in Pagemaker so I got to poking around and noticed exactly what you
said ... the dictionarys had no data path. I removed the old ones, and
reopened... no more warning dialog boxes!! Good call kido!!
Guys is there any reason to use suitcase vs. using them folderless in the
Extensions folders? Is one way better than the other?
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 23 Fri Jul 12, 1991
JACKS at 03:01 EDT
Speaking of hints... I have a IIci(just purchased) and a Personal Lazer-
writer LS ( also just purchased) I need a hint on how to get system 7.0 to
talk to my LW LS. System 6.07 works fine, but 7 just tells me there is n no LW
LS connected. I put it in the extensions folder in the system folder and it
shows up in control panel and in the page setup and print dialogue boxes, but
no cigar. First impact, Macdraw, whatever, it makes no d difference. It just
will not talk to the LS. Any hints? Jack
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 24 Fri Jul 12, 1991
G.MATSUDA [Gann] at 05:07 EDT
Are you sure the cable is connected to the right port? Is the cable
defective? Did you select the LaserWriter LS in the Chooser?
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 25 Fri Jul 12, 1991
D.BULLARD at 08:22 EDT
When you did an installl of System 7, the LS driver would have been put into t
into the correct folder (the extensions folder). Anyhow, put it there and
restart and (assuming the things Gann suggested check out OK) you should be in
business. I too have a IIci and an LS. Works fine.
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 26 Fri Jul 12, 1991
R.ZEITMAN4 [Randy] at 08:51 EDT
Question please: Does it take (or used to take) five fast shift clicks to
uinvoke Easy Access or just 5 shifts in a row. I'm finding that Easy access
kicks in on 7.0 alot more than 6.0 without my planning.
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 27 Fri Jul 12, 1991
MS.RAINBO at 13:05 EDT
Easy Access doesn't seem to time the interval between keystrokes - which makes
sense when you think about it.
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 28 Fri Jul 12, 1991
MAC.BIGOT [Chuq] at 18:25 EDT
Easy Access is not timing dependent. It's designed specifically for folks with
physical limitations that might make dealing with such timing impossible -- so
writing that kind of code would defeat the purpose.
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 29 Fri Jul 12, 1991
R.ZEITMAN4 [Randy] at 18:29 EDT
Gotcha. Does makes sense. Time to trash it, oh well.
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 30 Sat Jul 13, 1991
PHOTOBASE [Sparks] at 00:21 EDT
Jack, not that I know that much ( I just call John), but it sure sounds like
a driver or connection. Your machine just does not SEE the printer.
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 31 Sat Jul 13, 1991
J.RATLIFF1 [Jim] at 00:31 EDT
Doesn't it seem like it would be more consistent with the "put-away windows
when option is held down" philosophy of the new System that, if you're holding
down the option key when you select an application from the Apple Menu, then
the application you're leaving should have its windows put away?
It doesn't do this for me. Any votes either way?
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 32 Sat Jul 13, 1991
I just uploaded a revised Excel 3.0 add-in that works around the bug in
Excel 3.0 when running under 7.0 which causes Excel to set the default
folder to the folder containing the application instead of the folder
containing the document. The revised version adds a Set Default Folder
item to the Options menu.
File: EXCEL3.0StartupFix1.1.CPT
Desc: Adds Set Default Folder to Option menu
Number: 20350
Macintosh Software Library: #8
The Excel 3.0 "Set Default Folder" add-in is based on David Wortendyke's
(MS Excel Support) suggestion with a fix for documents at the root level.
Good Seven,
Bozo Clown
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 33 Sat Jul 13, 1991
E.KEITH1 [Ed] at 19:49 EDT
Thanks again Bozo, seems I had "locked out" library 8 and couldn't see your
file. ->Ed
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 34 Sun Jul 14, 1991
Jack, I have a Iici and Personal LaserWriter LS working fine under System 7.
In the System Folder I have "Personal LW LS Alias"
Also I have Print Monitor Alias & Print Monitor Documents Folder
In the Extensions folder I have "Personal LW LS" and "Print Monitor Documents
Folder" Alias.
I'm sure one or the other isn't needed, but when I first installed S7, my
printer didn't work, so I just dumped alias files everywhere and now that it
works, I haven't finished cleaning up what's remaining.
If you want to talk about it on voice, call me at 206-886-1628.
Dick Veldhuis
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 35 Sun Jul 14, 1991
G.MATSUDA [Gann] at 05:34 EDT
I never got the first version you uploaded to work. Had it in the right
folder, but it didn't work. I hope this one does!
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 36 Sun Jul 14, 1991
I've had one other comment about not getting my Excel Startup Fix Add-in to
work. That one was fixed by making sure the add-in was in the Excel Startup
Folder in the Preferences Folder of the System Folder.
Good Seven,
Bozo Clown
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 37 Mon Jul 15, 1991
G.MATSUDA [Gann] at 04:12 EDT
As I stated, I installed you add-in in the proper folder...but that's ok. Your
latest one works fine. Thanks.
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 38 Tue Jul 16, 1991
E.KEITH1 [Ed] at 00:57 EDT
I've gotten Bozo's fix to work (Thanks Bozo) but I had to change the name of
the Excel folder. I believe the name is case sensitive! -- so watch out for
those CaPs -- the folder name is Excel Startup Folder in the Preferences
folder. If I recall, Excel created the folder name with a lower case "f".
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 39 Tue Jul 16, 1991
G.MATSUDA [Gann] at 04:55 EDT
Nope. My folder was named with a "F" by the installer...
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 40 Tue Jul 16, 1991
K.EVANS3 (Forwarded)
Here's an interesting little thing
In the Monitors CDEV in System 7.0, try this...
Bring up the CDEV
Click on the "7.0" in the upper right hand corner and 6 names and
a smiley face will appear
Press the OPTION key and the smiley face changes
Press the OPTION key 12 times and the names start to change
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 41 Tue Jul 16, 1991
DRACO [Kent] at 11:39 EDT
How do people figure these things OUT????
I heard that if you hold down the COMMAND/OPTION/SHIFT key wil bringing up
the Control pannel, and standing on your left (not right) leg and singing
"Duetchland Uber Alles", that a picture of Gassee will appear and will wave
the French Flag. Just rumor.
I mean who DOES these things?
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 42 Tue Jul 16, 1991
My favorite INITs/CDEVs/EXTs: I know I'm always curious about what's new for
the Mac, so in hopes of hearing more from others, here is a list of some of my
favorite INITs, CDEVs, and system EXTENSIONs with accompanying version
numbers, that I use with system 7.
In the Control Panels folder: Extensions Manager 1.1, DialogFilter 1.02,
DiskExpress II 2.07a, Mouse2 1.4a cdev, SCSIProbe 3.0.1 CDEV, SuperClock! 3.9
CDEV, ~Super Boomerang 2.0.3, and ~Super Boomerang Fixer.
In the Extensions folder: EM Extension (goes with Extensions Manager 1.1),
B.A.D. INIT 1.1, CEToolbox 1.6, DiskDoubler 3.7 stuff, IconWrap 1.2, and
Suitcase II 1.2.10.
In the System 7.0 folder: QuicKeys 2.0.1 (haven't received my upgrade to
QuicKeys 2.1 yet), NotePad++ File (corresponds to NotePad++ 1.2 DA), DiskTop
Extras 1.0 (corresponds to DiskTop 4.0.1 DA). . . . David . . .
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 43 Tue Jul 16, 1991
J.STEELE15 [Jeff] at 20:33 EDT
Although, this may be common knowledge, it is the first I have heard of it.
But if your using QuicKeys 2.1, bring up the about QuicKeys screen and wait
about 30 seconds. Pretty funny.
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 44 Tue Jul 16, 1991
K.EVANS3 at 20:59 EDT
Actually, I can upon it quite accidentally. I like to at least
click on everything that I see :-) I stumbled upon the key pressing
by hitting the OPTION key while reaching for something next to the
keyboard. Then I like the effect of the smiley face changing, which
in turn led to the names changing!
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 45 Tue Jul 16, 1991
J.RATLIFF1 [Jim] at 21:13 EDT
Under System 7, virtual memory yields a lot of room for applications and desk
accessories act like applications. Some desk accessories get used a lot. If
you close them everytime you're temporarily finished with them, you invite
memory fragmentation.
Following the advice of Connectix supplied with their version of Virtual, I've
adopted the habit of never quitting anything I might possibly want to use
later. With System 7, this is especially attractive because you have the
option of Hiding an application's windows without kicking it out of memory.
QuicKeys 2.1 allows you to define QuicKeys which use the System 7 application
menu. I've defined one which chooses the Hide current application item. Now
when I call up QuickDEX II to look up a phone number, I Hide it rather than
close it. That way I don't fragment my memory and QuickDEX II comes up all
that much quicker the next time because it doesn't have to launch from
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 46 Wed Jul 17, 1991
DOUG.ACKER [Doug] at 10:44 EDT
Probably those Apple employees now on layoff :))
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 47 Wed Jul 17, 1991
R.ZEITMAN4 [Randy] at 18:08 EDT
Kent, they don't. They either read em in a Mac rag or have a friend at Apple.
By the way, you can double click a icon title to launch it.
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 48 Wed Jul 17, 1991
DOUG.ACKER [Doug] at 18:55 EDT
Those Everready commericials are everywhere! :))
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 49 Thu Jul 18, 1991
MACINFO [Norm Goodger] at 04:16 EDT
If you open the Memory CDEV and turn on VM and press the option key on the
popup there. You will see names with hiercarchal pop-outs with little
comments.. yet another "hidden" feature...
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 50 Sat Jul 20, 1991
R.ZEITMAN4 [Randy] at 21:28 EDT
You can double-click an icon name to launch it.
When editing an icon name, hitting down arrow placed the cursor at the end of
the name-very helpful when you're trying to delete "alias" from all your
aliases. After all, they're already italic, it's redundant and it takes up
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 51 Sat Jul 27, 1991
J.RATLIFF1 [Jim] at 17:00 EDT
Back in the System 6 era you were a strong opponent of installing a System
over an existing System--favoring instead creating a new System folder from
scratch. I always followed your advice. This was easy advice to follow because
all of my fonts, sounds, and DAs were loaded with Suitcase.
Now, System 7 encourages dropping fonts and sounds directly into the System
file (though DAs can still be kept conveniently separate). Do you still
maintain the same position? If so, what's your advice on the procedure to
What does the installer do exactly when you ask it to install System 7.0 onto
a disk which already has System 7.0 installed? It spends quite a bit of time
"removing outdated files." Since none of my files are actually outdated (i.e.
pre-7.0), does this mean that it removes and reinstalls everything? Obviously
it keeps SOME of the resources which were in the original System file (viz.,
fonts, sounds, and KCHR resources I've installed), because they still show up
in the new file. But it doesn't keep all of them, because it still reads the
font intaller disk, even though those fonts were already present. So could it
be that it completely removes and reinstalls every part of the System other
than those parts I installed myself? If so, does that make reinstallation over
an existing System safe?
Thanks in advance for your views!
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 52 Sat Jul 27, 1991
MAC.BIGOT [Chuq] at 23:40 EDT
Jim: I'm still a strong opponent of installing on top of an existing system.
Personally, I still use Suitcase and keep most of my fonts and stuff out of
the system file, just because I prefer it that way.
If I were installing, I'd start from scratch, and then copy the stuff out of
the old system file into the new one. The system is supposed to be smart
enough to not copy corrupted resources, and I've seen a couple of cases where
it trapped it for me. On the other hand, I'm not convinced that if the
resource map is corrupted to start, that installing on top of it makes it
possible to fix the resource map without deleting everything. So my basic
advice still stands.
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 53 Sun Jul 28, 1991
J.RATLIFF1 [Jim] at 01:03 EDT
Thanks for your views on system installation.
Installation seems like a pain if I think that it's the System file which has
been corrupted. What about the idea of just keeping a fresh copy of the System
file around (segregated from any Finder so that it doesn't look like a System
folder) and then replacing the corrupted one with a new one? I.e. Is the
installer doing anything special I can't emulate in this simple way?
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 54 Sun Jul 28, 1991
MAC.BIGOT [Chuq] at 02:21 EDT
Jim -- when I'm doing testing or programming (or anything else that I think is
going to hose systems regularly) I keep a Stuffit or Compactor version of my
System Folder on the disk as well. That not only takes up less space than a
copy of the folder, but will tell me if for some reason the file got
corrupted, because the unpack will fail. That way, I'm fairly certain I'm okay
and at a known state.
It's MUCH nicer than a re-install. I generally try to keep a reasonably up-to-
date copy of ym system folder on a Syquest mechanism so I can boot from it,
Just In Case.
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 55 Sun Jul 28, 1991
J.SCOTT16 [J.] at 02:34 EDT
I tried to install 7.0 over 6.07. B O O M !!! C R A S H !!! Well, not really,
but the instalation was far from succesful. There were several 6.07 files left
over, and the Extensions, control Panels, preferences, etc. folders were not
created. It did boot as a system 7.0, though. The nice guy at apple stayed on
the phone as I cleaned up the mess, seperated what I wanted and didn't want,
and then finally deleted the system folder. Then he went through a full
install with me. Nice guy... We had some interesting conversation while the
installer was running...
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 56 Sun Jul 28, 1991
G.MATSUDA [Gann] at 04:24 EDT
I also never install ANY version of the System over an existing version. And I
try not to install anything into the System file. I use Suitcase.
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 57 Sun Jul 28, 1991
I usually do it on a weekly basis Gann, and have done so for years. I only use
the installer when a major system update is released (like 5 to 6 or 6 to 7).
I haven't had any problems with this method.
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 58 Sun Jul 28, 1991
GUYRICE [ Guy ] at 17:34 EDT
Here's probably the ultimate extreme:
When I got System 7, I backed up my hard disk in its entirety onto tape (thank
you Retrospect and Teac), then I REFORMATTED IT, installed System 7 onto the
freshly formatted hard disk, copied Retrospect to the HD, then retrieved all
the files I wanted back off the tape.
I know, this is no doubt a ludicrously paranoid way to upgrade your system
software, but it does make sure your disk has no errors, and forces you to
make a complete backup of a system that you knew worked fine and could go back
to if you needed to. And it optimizes your HD, too. :)
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 59 Mon Jul 29, 1991
J.RATLIFF1 [Jim] at 02:47 EDT
Thanks for the tip about keeping a compacted System folder around. That sounds
like a good idea. (I.e. Why didn't I think of that!? :) )
Exactly what do you do every week? If you don't use the installer, do you mean
you just swap out the System file (and Finder?) with a fresh copy?
If that's ludicrously paranoid behavior, call the men in white for me too.
That's also what I did! (I wanted to reformat to remove some unallocated
sectors anyway which would have taken me approximately Avogadro's number of
days to do manually with SUM II.)
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 60 Mon Jul 29, 1991
I boot-up using a floppy and replace the System/Finder which is resident on my
hard disk with the System/Finder which is on the floppy.
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 61 Mon Jul 29, 1991
W.KUBECK [Mac+AppleToo] at 19:18 EDT
Guy, you probably *are* ludicrously paranoid. That just proves that the
crazy ones know what they're doing. I didn't go that far when I upgraded to
7.0, but I wasn't due for a total reality flush on that drive anyway. I just
hid the old System folder, installed the new one, and then spent about a week
or so deciding what I wanted of my old setup added to the new. I usually went
back to the original disks and got fresh copies of the utilites. Needed to in
some cases, because of required updates.
-= Bill =-
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 62 Mon Jul 29, 1991
S.BERNSTEIN [shelly] at 23:29 EDT
A while ago there was a thread on changing the default font in "Teach Text."
Could someone help out and repeat the technique? Thanks, Shelly
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 63 Sun Aug 04, 1991
J.GOFF at 13:27 EDT
I recently [C [C [C [C [C [C [C [C [C [C [C [CAfter installing System 7 from
6.05 on startup an init icon showed up with a skull and crossbones over what
appeared to be three file folders. I trashed the entire system folder and
reinstalled....no skull and crossbones [C [Ccon. I'm just curious.. where'd
it come from and what's it mean? Couldn't find anything in my references.
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 64 Sun Aug 04, 1991
J.RATLIFF1 [Jim] at 16:00 EDT
That's an intriguing phenomenon! It sounds like your System was invaded by a
sinister entity!
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 65 Sun Aug 04, 1991
KL7WF [Steve] at 18:07 EDT
I've run into a slight problem. Some of the icons for various programs have
reverted to the default application icon (the diamond with the hand holding a
pen (?)). In patrticular, some of my Disk Doubler (3.7) applications,
Solariamn II, and a couple others. The apps still run, but the original icons
are gone. Any ideas? I had been running virtual memory on my internal hard
drive (IIsi 40 Meg) but not 32 bit mode. I also have an external 105 Ehman.
I am using aliases extensively, and have most of my application files
labeled. Is labeling pretty clean?
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 66 Mon Aug 05, 1991
MACINFO [Norm Goodger] at 03:24 EDT
Steve, sounds like you have to rebuild your desktop files, command-option as
you reboot.
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 67 Thu Aug 08, 1991
J.GOFF at 16:35 EDT
Any way to revert desk accessories (after being converted by System 7.0) to
6.05 compatibility? Thanks to anyone that can help! Jim Goff
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 68 Thu Aug 08, 1991
W.KUBECK [Mac+AppleToo] at 18:14 EDT
Use Font/DA Mover to create an empty suitcase file, then move the DA into it.
Works for fonts, too.
-= Bill =-
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 69 Thu Aug 08, 1991
R.ZEITMAN4 [Randy] at 18:55 EDT
change its type/creator back to DFIL,DMOV (I think). That is, I know it'll
work but I'm not 100% on the two codes.
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 70 Thu Aug 08, 1991
J.GOFF at 21:04 EDT
T [C [C [C [C [C [Chanks Mac+AppleToo and Randy...appreciate the help. Jim
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 71 Thu Aug 22, 1991
J.RATLIFF1 [Jim] at 03:16 EDT
I'm experiencing some problems when I "type ahead" of a dialog box. I.e., when
I execute the command for a dialog box, then start typing the text I'll use in
its text box before it comes on the screen.
Sometimes when I do this, one of my drives just goes crazy. What I mean is
that I have one drive devoted just to my virtual memory file and that drive
also makes a distinctive noise. So when I hear it in a situation that
shouldn't require virtual doing anything (I have 8 megs and virtual definitely
shouldn't be doing anything when I have this problem), then I know something's
up. When I say it goes crazy, I mean it makes its distinctive access sound and
everything comes to a stop and I have to do a force quit on the application,
and then usually a restart.
Has this happened to anyone? Its probably an INIT conflict, but I have so many
and it's an intermittent problem, so I'm at a loss to know which one it might
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 72 Thu Aug 22, 1991
MACINFO [Norm Goodger] at 13:56 EDT
Jim, it does sound like something that Virtual is doing, I had what you
describe happen a few times to me.. Its like it goes looking for something in
the swap file (whether you think it needs something from it or not) and cannot
find it,and your dead.. If you have Macsbug installed, I recall getting Cannot
Find errors or something to that affect in some cases.. I finally gave up on
Virtual, added memory to get 8 megs and leave Virtual off, it appears to be
much more stable. Perhaps Connectix's 3.0 version of Virtual will work better
if its shipping?
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 73 Thu Aug 22, 1991
R.ZEITMAN4 [Randy] at 18:04 EDT
No idea. Please keep the world posted!
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 74 Thu Aug 22, 1991
R.GAEKE [Brian Gaeke] at 22:05 EDT
Have you tried using Apple's VM- or is that incompatible w/ your HD? --Brian
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 75 Thu Aug 22, 1991
J.RATLIFF1 [Jim] at 23:19 EDT
Norm, (or was it Bill?)
Thanks for your report of a similar experience. I see from the replies that I
left the impression that I was using Connectix's Virtual. I did use Virtual
under System 6, but switched to Apples VM under 7 because I heard that Virtual
wasn't yet System 7 compatible.
So my problems have been while using Apple's VM and System 7. So, Norm, it
sounds like your problems were with Virtual. Was that under System 6 or 7? (I
also upgraded to 8 megs, but I still like the devil-may-care attitude toward
RAM which I get from using VM.)
I'm glad you mentioned your experience as definitely being virtual memory
related, because that allows me to focus my diagnostic energy on virtual
first, rather than all my other INITs. Now I just have to work on finding a
scenario which reliably reproduces this problem.
BTW, What would Connetix bother to make Virtual System 7 compatible anyway
since the capability's built into System 7?
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 76 Fri Aug 23, 1991
MACINFO [Norm Goodger] at 03:34 EDT
Jim, first it was me, second I was refering to Apple VM, I referer to
Connectix Virtual 3.0 which does work under 7.0 as an option to Apple VM,
which I think may work better..However I have not tried it to prove it.
Why would Connectix make Virtual compatable with 7.0? I can think of a couple
reasons, 6.0.x users that eventually upgrade may find their product better..
It maybe better and if they can show this to be the case with better features
somehow, its can still be a viable product across pre 7.0 and 7.0 convertees..
Category 22, Topic 4
Message 77 Fri Aug 23, 1991
PHOTOBASE2 [John Crane] at 22:16 EDT
Connectix Virtual for 6.0.x certainly seemed to be more stable than Apple's
for 7.0. I called Connectix a couple weeks ago, and they said they will be
coming up with an upgrade for System 7 ... in a few weeks I think they said.